A Special Love Letter!

No one has ever written a love letter to me. So when Tanzila asked if anyone wanted a love letter to be written to them, I immediately said yes. The result was overwhelming to say the least. Whenever I feel low, I re-read it, just to boost some confidence in myself. 🙂

Sharing this here to know that words matter a lot if you find the right way to say them 🙂



Thank you to everyone who never lost their faith in me. Thank you for loving me as I am. Thank you for being part of my journey.

Eating Healthy

The most common new year resolution is to lose weight / get fitter / eat healthier / say no to junk food.

We keep on procrastinating until one day we receive a wake up call like sickness of self or others.

And we finally decide to take matters in our hands. To regain our health & fitness.

We might have to change our lifestyle completely. But it is not easy as it sounds. I too have been there done that.

It is difficult to form habits, specially good habits, but we need to remember that nothing is impossible.

All you need is dedication, perseverance & eye to the goal.

And most importantly to be SMART!

❤ Make two lists – What you should eat & what you shouldn’t. This would help you in shopping smartly.


 Don’t give up on your favourite food completely. If you give up entirely, after a short time you will be back to your old diet.

lazy-dog-cafe-westminster-ca-lazy-dog-burger-and-fries-610x407❤ You can not make temporary changes. Unless you are sure you can do this for lifetime, do not try any fad diets.

before after Do not tell your family & friends that you are going on a diet. Chances are you will be force fed things you wouldn’t want to eat. (Arre ek din khane se kucchh nahin hoga, etc etc) Rings a bell, doesn’t it? 😉

images Increase intake of your favourite fruits and nuts (not fruit & nut chocolate & not salted / fried nuts, ok?) They are definitely better than desserts and processed foods.

fruit-and-nuts Start cooking for yourself. Lesser calories taken, less expensive & infact you BURN calories while cooking! Win Win right?

Handsome man cooking at home preparing salad in kitchen. Don’t forget exercising! A healthy lifestyle is the one where everything is balanced. You can start with whatever you are comfortable with. Yoga / Walking / Gymming / Sports / Dance! Grab opportunities to increase your physical activity!


And when you can walk / run / jump effortlessly, start fitting in clothes one / two sizes less than you usually wear, and get all sorts of compliments, these changes these would be worth it!


So what are you waiting for? New Year / Monday / Birthday? Don’t! Do it now! There is no better time than NOW! 🙂





Kids, in the earlier days, in India, there was no week end. People used to work even on Saturdays. For working fathers it meant a leisurely day, reading newspaper all day long & entertaining visitors, once in a while. On some days, we would be visiting other people’s houses. (Shocking, I know) For working / non working mothers, Sundays were spent on cleaning & cooking extra large sized meals for the family. (Mothers don’t get holidays)

As the western culture seeped in slowly & we started working for MNCs & BPOs, we learnt the concept of weekend. A 5 day working week & 2 days holidays! Unlike America though, our weekend doesn’t start post lunch on Friday. It would start very late in the night. 8-9 PM probably.

After having a strenuous week at work (more due to travelling than work), everyone would want to laze on the bed & do nothing. Sounds great, right? But then what about all the things you want to do? Travelling, Cooking, Photography, Writing, etc etc. When do you get time for that?

This thought struck me one day. I was used to being joined on the hip with my bed for these two days. But I realised i was wasting my precious days! i could do so much more with this time!

And instead of waiting for another weekend / another month, I started it from this weekend itself. Enjoyed a movie in the theatre on Friday, visited the salon for some pampering & travelled all the way to a different part of the city to visit a temple, I was meaning to since many months days. On Sunday, I managed to pay the rent & get some groceries locally. Moving out of the house on Sunday is quite a big deal for me. 😀 (Remember if I agree to meet you on Sunday & make it without any excuses, you are really special to me) 😉

Only regret was not being able to cook anything special. Water shortage you see. Cooking requires water, washing utensils requires water & you get so exhausted after all the work, you require more water.

Only hoping that this streak continues for a long time & I do something new every weekend.

What are your weekend plans?

Hold On!

There have been several turning points in my life where I thought I had lost everything & didn’t have the will to live.

I have attempted to take my life several times hoping death will be an end to all the struggles in life.

Thankfully, those attempts were not successful due to several reasons. Suicide is never an easy task. Maybe I wasn’t brave enough or Maybe my sub-concious wanted me to live.

Today I look back & realise that life is wonderful. with all its flaws, all it’s struggles. A bad day or a bad relationship do not mean a bad life. I am glad those attempts failed. Now I am living life to the fullest hoping that when it all ends naturally, I would be content that my life was not a total waste.

And I would like to tell that younger foolish me several things. Things which will make her come out of the abyss of despair. Write her little notes of encouragement. While doing this, I will also hope to get encouraged today 🙂

♥ Yes, you are changing homes, you are changing schools. You will never see your old friends again. But it doesn’t mean you can’t make new friends.

♥ Keep writing. You will be a writer one day. Don’t tear off your ramblings! You will want to read them some day.

♥ Don’t be foolish to lose focus of what you want to be.

♥ People will make fun of you, if you allow them to. Don’t let it deter you from living your life.

♥ Today you are alone, you don’t have anyone to talk to. But there is a revolution in offing. Things will change.

♥ Never give up on your dreams. Your dreams are given to you to be cherished, nurtured & turn into reality.

♥ You will love, you will get hurt. But your wounds will heal. Don’t let the hurt scare you from falling in love.

♥ You are beautiful. Don’t let comments of stupid people make you believe otherwise.

♥ You are a survivor. You will survive & you are gonna amaze yourself one day.

So, Hold on. Hold on for an amazing life. Hold on & throw away the dangerous things. Hold on & continue your journey with your head held high!

walk alone

An Open Letter to you

Hello dear,

How are you doing today? Hope your day has been normal so far & nothing untoward has happened.

I have been watching you since some time & know that you are incredibly talented & an amazing person. You are beautiful & have brains. Not everyone is blessed with such a combo. Some don’t have either. Yes, time has been cruel to you. You have been hurt. Your world has turned upside down. You don’t have everything you have wished for.

It hurts me to see you hurt. I just want you to know that world is not as bad as you think. Don’t be so cynical yet. Smile & be happy in the knowledge that there are people who love you, who care for you, the way you are. You are special now & you will be special always. All I can do is pray for you, pray for your better tomorrow.

This letter is sealed with lots of love, hugs & kisses.

Forever yours to love,

Mirchi Laddoo

Do your BEST!!


You wake up every morning with new hopes, new strengths & march towards your goal.

Everyday you would find various hurdles, disappointments, criticisms, humiliations.

They will dishearten you, depress you & move your eyes away from your goal.

At this time you need to remember why are you doing what are you doing.

Do not let anything stop you from doing your best! In the end, this is what counts.

🙂 🙂 🙂