In 2018, I had set only one goal for myself – To read 200 books. I also added one more, to watch 100 movies realising that inspite of the fact that I love movies as much as I love books, I don’t watch them so much. I have achieved both the goals. They have also helped me in distracting me from some of the personal stuff I was going through.
Reading books & watching movies is not a difficult goal to achieve (at least for me). As I said in the mid-year post about books, if you love it, you’ll do it. Easy Peasy!
It is time to set some difficult goals this year, though.
- Run a marathon – I have been inspired by people around me running marathons, specially my 60+ kaki. By the end of the year, I should be able to run a 21 km half marathon. Registering for a 4 KM walkathon is the beginning of it!
- Write more – Writing has taken a back seat this year with all the reading. I am going to write more on my blog this year – 52 posts at least!
- Writing Books – Not only I am going to writer more on my blog, but I am also going to work seriously on the books I want to write. 2020 should be the year of getting the books published
- Travel – I want to experience lots of places in India and in the world but I realised that there are so many places I haven’t been to in Mumbai itself. This year, I would visit at least 50 places in and around Mumbai (some could be repeat)
- Solve Rubik’s Cube – Let us check if I am smart enough to solve a Rubik’s cube puzzle
- Entertainment – Read 200 books and Watch 100 movies
- Have fun while doing all of the above!!!
I guess these are enough for one year! So, what about you? What are your goals for 2019???