I feel lonely lone lone lone lonely!
Waking up on a holiday & realise you have plenty of places to go & no one to go with?
On the middle of a busy day you want to just take a break & talk away with someone?
In the night when feeling a bit mushy & find no one special to talk to?
That urge of hugging someone when life overwhelms & no one around?
This is what loneliness is. Sometimes it hits you like a gushing water fall. Sometimes it becomes a part of your living. Solitude is desirable. Loneliness is not. It brings hell lot of negative emotions & doesn’t allow us to live life fully.
It is easy to say & difficult to live but you need to get rid of the nagging feeling before it devours you.
How? you would ask.
I am no expert. But I have lived it & still trying to get out of it. Just sharing some of the things that helped me.
1. Don’t berate yourself: Do not let loneliness fill you with inferiority complex. Realise you are a fabulous person. Born to make a difference. Everyone is created with a purpose. You are not useless.

2. Get Busy: Join a hobby class. Sports club. Gym. You will meet like minded people & also you will have a distraction from negative thoughts. You could even start your own hobby classes. What better way to use your gifts!

3. Don’t fall in the pit of self pity: Whenever you feel you are wallowing in self pity. Stop. Take a deep breath & get involved in some physical activity. Take a walk. Go for some veggie shopping. Clean your wardrobe. This will freshen you up!

4. Date yourself: Take a book & go to your favourite cafe. Read while enjoying a hot cup of coffee. Note down your observations. Have material for your blog / journal / diary / novel.

5. Be Social: Call people you haven’t in a while. Visit relatives who are close to you. Have a gossip session with your friends.

6. Be Good Company: Your loneliness makes you value good company. Be that yourself. Help out people whom you know are lonely & nowhere to go. Visit orphanages / old age homes & gift your time. Help others to help yourself.

Moral: You have to be your own knight. Rescue yourself. Make Efforts. And you won’t feel lonely anymore. Not for long time at least. 🙂
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